MCQ on Latitude and Longitude

1. What purpose do latitude and longitude serve?
(a). Cooking
(b). Navigate
(c). Gardening
(d). Painting


2. How does accuracy increase in angular measurements?
(a). Centimeter
(b). Minutes and seconds
(c). Inch
(d). Meter


3. What makes up the network known as graticules?
(a). Triangle
(b). Rectangle
(c). Graticules or grids
(d). Circle


4. What is meant by latitude?
(a). Angular distance east or west of the equator
(b). Angular distance north or south of the equator
(c). Distance from the North Pole
(d). Distance from the South Pole


5. What is the equator at 0° latitude?
(a). Longest meridian
(b). Smallest parallel circle
(c). Longest parallel circle
(d). Shortest meridian


6. What is the latitude of Tropic of Cancer?
(a). 45°
(b). 90°
(c). 23.5° North
(d). 23.5° south


7. What does the Tropic of Capricorn determine?
(a). Length of day
(b). Southern border of the tropics
(c). Northern border of the tropics
(d). Distance from the equator
Answer: B) Southern limit of the tropics

8. What latitude does the Arctic Circle cover?
(b). 23.5°N
(c). 66.5°N
(d). 66.5°S


9. Where is the Antarctic Circle located?
(b). 23.5°N
(c). 66.5°N
(d). 66.5°S


10. Which region extends between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?
(a). Arctic region
(b). Temperate zone
(c). Tropical region
(d). Polar region


11. What is the specialty of temperate zone?
(a). High temperature
(b). Extremely cold temperatures
(c). Moderate temperatures and four distinct seasons
(d). Continuous daylight


12. What is longitude?
(a). Distance from the equator
(b). Angular distance measured east or west from the prime meridian.
(c). Angular distance north or south of the equator
(d). Angular distance measured north or south from the prime meridian.


13. What is the angular measure of the prime meridian?
(b). 23.5°
(c). 66.5°N
(d). 180°


14. Prime Meridian passes through which country?
(a). India
(b). USA
(c). China
(d). England


15. What is Indian Standard Time based on?
(a). Tropic of Cancer
(b). Tropic of Capricorn
(c). Prime Meridian
(d). 82° 30′ East


16. What does DST mean?
(a). Standard time of daylight
(b). Dark saving time
(c). Daylight Saving Time
(d). Daylight savings time


17. How does GMT work?
(a). Global Mapping Tool
(b). Universal Meridian Time
(c). Greenwich Mean Time
(d). Greenwich Mapping Tool


18. Where is the International Date Line located?
(a). 0° longitude
(b). 90° longitude
(c). 180° longitude
(d). 360° longitude


19. The International Date Line marks the transition between?
(a). Time zone
(b). Equator and Pole
(c). Days of the week
(d). Consecutive calendar days


20. What is the crossing of the International Date Line related to?
(a). One day’s loss or profit
(b). Change in temperature
(c). Change in latitude
(d). Change in time zone


21. How many continents does the equator pass through?
(a). One
(b). Two
(c). Three
(d). Four


22. What is the main purpose of latitude and longitude?
(a). Cooking
(b). Navigate
(c). Gardening
(d). Painting


23. What is the angular measure of Tropic of Capricorn?
(b). 23.5°
(c). 66.5°N
(d). 23.5°S


24. What does the Arctic Circle represent?
(a). Northern boundary of the tropics
(b). Southern border of the tropics
(c). The area where the Sun remains above the horizon for 24 hours during the summer solstice
(d). The region where the sun never sets


25. What does the Tropic of Cancer affect?
(a). Length of day
(b). Northern border of the tropics
(c). Southern border of the tropics
(d). The area where the Sun remains above the horizon for 24 hours during the summer solstice
