MCQ on Heat Budget

1. What is another word for Earth’s heat budget?
(a). Energy balance
(b). Temperature balance
(c). Thermal regulation
(d). Heat balance


2. What fraction of incoming solar radiation is immediately reflected back into space?
(a). 65%
(b). 50%
(c). 35%
(d). 25%


3. Which parameter represents the reflectivity of a surface?
(a). Albedo
(b). Insolation
(c). Radiation
(d). Environment


4. What does a high albedo value indicate?
(a). Total absorption
(b). Perfect reflection
(c). Partial absorption
(d). Partial reflection


5. Which of the following surfaces has higher albedo?
(a). Asphalt
(b). Soil
(c). Sand
(d). Fresh snow


6. Which gases in the atmosphere contribute to the greenhouse effect?
(a). Oxygen and nitrogen
(b). Carbon dioxide and oxygen
(c). Water vapor and methane
(d). Carbon dioxide and methane


7. How much solar energy is absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere and surface?
(a). 35 units
(b). 50 units
(c). 65 units
(d). 80 units


8. Which principle dictates maintaining a constant temperature on Earth?
(a). Principle of energy conservation
(b). Principle of heat absorption
(c). Theory of atmospheric circulation
(d). Principle of heat emission


9. What helps regulate the redistribution of heat from the tropics to the poles?
(a). Ocean currents
(b). Atmospheric circulation
(c). Temperature extremes
(d). Solar radiation


10. Which concept provides a framework for understanding the interactions that control Earth’s climate system?
(a). Heat circulation
(b). Heat budget
(c). Climate variability
(d). Atmospheric processes


11. What ensures the Earth’s heat budget over time?
(a). Rapid cooling
(b). Extreme heat
(c). Constant temperature
(d). Unstable climate


12. What fraction of incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere and surface?
(a). 35%
(b). 50%
(c). 65%
(d). 80%


13. Which gases are greenhouse gases?
(a). Nitrogen and oxygen
(b). Carbon dioxide and oxygen
(c). Water vapor and methane
(d). Carbon dioxide and nitrogen


14. What does the albedo of a surface indicate?
(a). Absorption capacity
(b). Reflectivity
(c). Emission rate
(d). Communication


15. What helps maintain the greenhouse effect?
(a). Extreme temperatures
(b). Climate stability
(c). Atmospheric pressure
(d). Ocean currents


16. What is the primary form of energy reaching the Earth from the Sun?
(a). Longwave radiation
(b). Insolation
(c). Terrestrial radiation
(d). Albedo


17. Which phenomenon traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere?
(a). Heat absorption
(b). Albedo effect
(c). Greenhouse effect
(d). Solar reflection


18. What is the primary mechanism for redistribution of absorbed solar energy?
(a). Ocean circulation
(b). Atmospheric circulation
(c). Greenhouse effect
(d). Albedo effect


19. What does Earth’s atmosphere help control?
(a). Ocean currents
(b). Surface temperature
(c). Terrestrial radiation
(d). Solar insolation


20. What is that fraction of incoming solar radiation that is reflected back into space called?
(a). Absorption
(b). Emission
(c). Insolation
(d). Albedo


21. Which regions receive more solar energy, the equatorial or polar regions?
(a). Equatorial
(b). Polar
(c). Both receive equal energy
(d). None of the above


22. Which concept helps to predict and mitigate the effects of climate change?
(a). Heat budget
(b). Atmospheric circulation
(c). Ocean circulation
(d). Greenhouse effect


23. What ensures that Earth’s temperature remains relatively constant over time?
(a). Heat absorption
(b). Heat redistribution
(c). Heat emission
(d). Heat balance


24. What percentage of incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere and surface?
(a). 35%
(b). 50%
(c). 65%
(d). 80%


25. Which parameter indicates the fraction of incoming solar radiation that is reflected back into space?
(a). Albedo
(b). Insolation
(c). Radiation
(d). Environment
