MCQ on Rainfall

1. What is rain?
(a). Condensation of atmospheric moisture into droplets
(b). Formation of clouds
(c). Warming of the atmosphere
(d). Diffusion of water vapor


2. What is the main cause of rain?
(a). Air
(b). Gravity
(c). Condensation
(d). Solar radiation


3. What type of rainfall is prevalent in tropical regions?
(a). Orographic precipitation
(b). Cyclonic rain
(c). Convective rainfall
(d). Frontal precipitation


4. What causes orographic precipitation?
(a). Rapid rise of hot air
(b). Convergence of hot and cold air
(c). Moist air is forced to rise to higher areas
(d). Formation of cumulonimbus clouds.


5. Which phenomenon is related to cyclonic or frontal rainfall?
(a). Storm
(b). Electricity
(c). Cloud seeding
(d). Shock wave generation


6. Which technique is used to produce rainfall artificially?
(a). Cloud Seeding
(b). Atmospheric warming
(c). Air manipulation
(d). Soil irrigation


7. What affects the distribution of rainfall by trapping moisture on leeward slopes?
(a). Atmospheric circulation
(b). Marine influence
(c). Topography
(d). Regional climate


8. How do prevailing wind patterns affect rainfall distribution?
(a). By creating a storm
(b). By transporting moisture
(c). By creating rain shadow
(d). By influencing sea currents


9. What affects humidity levels and temperature gradients, which affect rainfall patterns?
(a). Ocean currents
(b). Atmospheric circulation
(c). Topography
(d). Regional climate


10. Why is it important to understand rainfall dynamics?
(a). To predict earthquakes
(b). Managing water resources
(c). To study cloud formation
(d). Space exploration to explore


11. What is the primary factor behind the formation of clouds?
(a). Gravity
(b). Condensation
(c). Atmospheric circulation
(d). Solar radiation


12. What type of rainfall occurs due to the convergence of hot and cold air?
(a). Convective rainfall
(b). Orographic precipitation
(c). Cyclonic rain
(d). Frontal precipitation


13. Which technique involves adding matter to clouds to increase precipitation?
(a). Air manipulation
(b). Soil irrigation
(c). Cloud seeding
(d). Atmospheric warming


14. What happens when warm air near the surface rises rapidly?
(a). Orographic precipitation
(b). Convective precipitation
(c). Cyclonic rain
(d). Frontal precipitation


15. In which region dry conditions arise due to rain shadow effect?
(a). Downwind
(b). Leeward side
(c). Coastal area
(d). Mountain peaks


16. Which factor affects rainfall distribution by affecting temperature, humidity and atmospheric circulation?
(a). Marine influence
(b). Topography
(c). Regional climate
(d). Atmospheric circulation


17. What type of precipitation is common in temperate regions?
(a). Convective rainfall
(b). Orographic precipitation
(c). Cyclonic rain
(d). Frontal precipitation


18. Which technique has been explored to stimulate rainfall from existing clouds using shock waves?
(a). Cloud Seeding
(b). Air manipulation
(c). Shock wave generation
(d). Soil irrigation


19. Which factor affects rainfall patterns by transport of moisture?
(a). Ocean currents
(b). Topography
(c). Atmospheric circulation
(d). Regional climate


20. What type of precipitation occurs during the diurnal heat cycle?
(a). Convective rainfall
(b). Orographic precipitation
(c). Cyclonic rain
(d). Frontal precipitation


21. What type of precipitation occurs when moist air is forced to rise to higher elevations?
(a). Convective rainfall
(b). Mountain rain
(c). Cyclonic rain
(d). Frontal precipitation


22. What type of precipitation is associated with giant cumulonimbus clouds?
(a). Convective rainfall
(b). Mountain rain
(c). Cyclonic rain
(d). Frontal precipitation


23. Which phenomenon is often associated with cyclonic or frontal rainfall?
(a). Cloud Seeding
(b). Storm
(c). Shock wave generation
(d). Atmospheric warming


24. Which technique involves the use of electricity to stimulate rainfall?
(a). Cloud Seeding
(b). Atmospheric warming
(c). Shock wave generation
(d). Air manipulation


25. Which factor affects rainfall patterns by affecting humidity levels and temperature gradients?
(a). Topography
(b). Ocean currents
(c). Regional climate
(d). Atmospheric circulation
