MCQ on Temperature

1. What is the temperature?
(a). Measurement of humidity
(b). Measurement of heat
(c). Measurement of wind speed
(d). Measurement of pressure


2. What are isotherms?
(a). Lines connecting places of equal humidity
(b). Lines connecting places with equal temperatures
(c). Lines connecting places with similar wind speeds.
(d). Lines connecting places of equal pressure.


3. What do closely spaced isotherms indicate?
(a). Stable weather conditions
(b). Rapid temperature changes
(c). High humidity
(d). Low wind speed


4. Which instrument is used to measure temperature?
(a). Barometer
(b). Hygrometer
(c). Thermometer
(d). Anemometer


5. Which region holds the record for highest temperature?
(a). Vostok
(b). Al-Azizia
(c). Antarctica
(d). Equator


6. What is that phenomenon where a layer of warm air traps cold air below it?
(a). Heat Island
(b). Temperature inversion
(c). Daily cycle
(d). Seasonal cycle


7. What is the difference between maximum and minimum temperature called?
(a). Temperature anomaly
(b). Temperature range
(c). Isotherm
(d). Heat island


8. How does temperature change through diabetic processes?
(a). With heat exchange
(b). Without heat exchange
(c). Through the movement of air
(d). Through pressure changes.


9. What do positive temperature anomalies indicate?
(a). Hot temperature
(b). Cold temperature
(c). Constant temperature
(d). No change in temperature


10. What is the primary factor affecting seasonal temperature change?
(a). Humidity
(b). Wind speed
(c). Angle of the sun’s rays
(d). Change in pressure


11. In which region the temperature is very low due to the oblique rays of the Sun?
(a). Subtropical zone
(b). Temperate zone
(c). Tundra region
(d). Polar regions


12. What does the direction of isotherms generally follow?
(a). North-South
(b). East-West
(c). West-east
(d). South-North


13. How does temperature vary with latitude?
(a). Moves towards the equator
(b). Decreases toward the equator
(c). Moves towards the poles
(d). Decreases towards the poles


14. What is the reason for the bending of isotherms at the boundary between land and water?
(a). Difference in wind speed
(b). Difference in humidity
(c). Difference in heating and cooling rates.
(d). Difference in pressure


15. In which region is significant temperature difference observed between seasons?
(a). Equatorial linear region
(b). Inter-tropical zone
(c). Subtropical zone
(d). Temperate zone


16. What affects the vertical distribution of temperature?
(a). Latitude
(b). Height
(c). Wind speed
(d). Humidity


17. What does temperature anomaly indicate?
(a). Variation from normal temperature
(d). Average temperature
(c). Maximum temperature
(d). Minimum temperature


18. What is the average daily temperature calculated from?
(a). Maximum temperature
(b). Minimum temperature
(c). Both maximum and minimum temperatures
(d). Average temperature


19. What is the characteristic of equatorial linear region?
(a). High temperature variation
(b). Minimum temperature variation
(c). Low humidity
(d). Strong winds


20. What causes the formation of local heat islands?
(a). Low temperature
(b). High humidity
(c). Concrete structures and low vegetation
(d). High altitude


21. Which phenomenon sees a gradual increase in temperature from sunrise to noon?
(a). Temperature inversion
(b). Daily cycle
(c). Seasonal cycle
(d). Temperature anomaly


22. Which region shows significant temperature fluctuations between seasons?
(a). Polar region
(b). Tundra region
(c). Temperate zone
(d). Equatorial linear region


23. Which region experiences consistently cold temperatures and negligible diurnal variation?
(a). Equatorial linear region
(b). Inter-tropical zone
(c). Polar regions
(d). Subtropical zone


24. What is the rate of decrease in temperature per kilometer upward in the atmosphere?
(a). 6.5°C
(b). 10°C
(c). 2.5°C
(d). 5°C


25. How are areas of similar temperature connected?
(a). By isohumes
(b). By isobars
(c). By isotherm
(d). By isohyates
