December 30, 2023 Study Clue Solar System Quiz Solar System MCQ on solar system 1 / 8 What do failures in Town Substations potentially result in? Efficient energy supply Street lighting malfunction Grid failure Higher voltage levels 2 / 8 What is the operating voltage range of High Voltage Substations (HV Substations)? Above 400 kV Up to 11 kV 132 kV to 400 kV 11 kV to 66 kV 3 / 8 What is the primary function of Extra Upper Voltage Substations (EHV Substations)? Facilitating street lighting Converting AC to DC power Local power distribution Handling higher voltage levels 4 / 8 What distinguishes Ultra Upper Voltage Substations (UHV Substations) from Extra Upper Voltage Substations (EHV Substations)? Service rendered Operating voltage range Design characteristics Importance in the grid 5 / 8 What is the purpose of Step-Down or Distribution Substations? Elevating voltage for long-distance transmission Facilitating switching operations Reducing voltage for end consumers Handling extremely upper voltage levels 6 / 8 1. Where is Step-Up or Primary Substations positioned? (b). Generating stations (d). Industrial areas (a). Load centers (c). Towns 7 / 8 How are Indoor Type Substations characterized? Suitable for higher voltages in contaminated environments Equipped with outdoor structures Suitable for voltages up to 11 kV Reserved for transformers with capacities exceeding 250 kVA bad luck Great 8 / 8 What is the primary purpose of Outdoor Substations? Housing transformers Reducing voltage for end consumers Facilitating switching operations Handling diverse energy demands Your score is 0% Restart quiz