MCQ on Atmosphere Structure

1. What is the primary criterion used to classify Earth’s atmosphere into layers?
(a). Density
(b). Uniformity
(c). Temperature
(d). Humidity


2. Which layer of the atmosphere exhibits an even distribution of gases?
(a). Stratosphere
(b). Troposphere
(c). Mesosphere
(d). Ionosphere


3. In which layer of the atmosphere does the temperature decrease as altitude increases?
(a). Stratosphere
(b). Troposphere
(c). Thermosphere
(d). Mesosphere


4. What causes the temperature to rise with altitude in the stratosphere?
(a). Absorption of ultraviolet radiation
(b). Absorption of infrared radiation
(c). Interaction with ozone layer
(d). Interaction with the ionosphere


5. What phenomenon is responsible for the appearance of shooting stars in the mesosphere?
(a). Solar flares
(b). Meteors disintegrating
(c). Aurora borealis
(d). Lightning strikes


6. Which layer of the atmosphere experiences extremely low temperatures?
(a). Troposphere
(b). Stratosphere
(c). Mesosphere
(d). Thermosphere


7. What characterizes the temperature trend in the thermosphere as altitude increases?
(a). Decreases
(b). Remains constant
(c). Rapidly increases
(d). Fluctuates


8. What function does the ionosphere serve in the atmosphere?
(a). Reflects radio waves
(b). Absorbs ultraviolet radiation
(c). Generates lightning
(d). Creates auroras


9. Which gases dominate the exosphere, the outermost layer of the atmosphere?
(a). Nitrogen and Oxygen
(b). Carbon Dioxide
(c). Hydrogen and Helium
(d). Methane and Ammonia


10. How are gases distributed in the heterosphere?
(a). Evenly
(b). Based on temperature
(c). Unevenly
(d). Randomly


11. Which layer of the atmosphere is devoid of the turbulence found in the troposphere?
(a). Stratosphere
(b). Troposphere
(c). Mesosphere
(d). Thermosphere


12. What altitude does the thermosphere extend to above Earth’s surface?
(a). 50 km
(b). 80 km
(c). 640 km
(d). 88 km


13. What primarily causes the temperature increase in the thermosphere?
(a). Absorption of ultraviolet radiation
(b). Absorption of infrared radiation
(c). Interaction with ozone layer
(d). Interaction with the ionosphere


14. Which layer of the atmosphere hosts significant weather events?
(a). Mesosphere
(b). Thermosphere
(c). Stratosphere
(d). Troposphere


15. What does the ionosphere primarily reflect?
(a). Ultraviolet radiation
(b). X-rays
(c). Radio waves
(d). Gamma rays


16. What is the temperature trend in the mesosphere?
(a). Increases with altitude
(b). Decreases with altitude
(c). Remains constant
(d). Fluctuates


17. Which layer of the atmosphere extends for more than 640 kilometers?
(a). Mesosphere
(c). Exosphere
(d). Stratosphere


18. What is the primary stratifying factor in the heterosphere?
(a). Troposphere
(b). Ionosphere
(c). Exosphere
(d). Mass


19. What gases are prevalent in the thermosphere?
(a). Nitrogen and Oxygen
(b). Hydrogen and Helium
(c). Argon and Carbon Dioxide
(d). Methane and Ammonia


20. What primarily leads to the sparsity of molecules in the thermosphere?
(a). High winds
(b). Interaction with ozone layer
(c). Interaction with solar radiation
(d). Interaction with the ionosphere


21. Which layer of the atmosphere extends approximately 8 kilometers near the poles and up to 18 kilometers at the equator?
(a). Mesosphere
(b). Troposphere
(c). Ionosphere
(d). Stratosphere


22. Which layer of the atmosphere is conducive to aviation due to its reduced turbulence?
(a). Stratosphere
(b). Troposphere
(c). Mesosphere
(d). Ionosphere


23. What does the thermosphere transition into at the mesopause?
(a). Ionosphere
(b). Exosphere
(c). Stratosphere
(d). Mesosphere


24. What aids in scientific endeavors such as weather prediction and climate analysis?
(a). Understanding atmospheric layers
(b). Interaction with the ozone layer
(c). Solar radiation
(d). Gravitational pull


25. What plays a significant role in shaping climate, weather patterns, and interactions with celestial bodies?
(a). Earth’s magnetic field
(b). Composition of Earth’s core
(c). Earth’s atmosphere
(d). Plate tectonics
