MCQ on Introduction to Geography

1. What is the primary focus of geography?
(a). Study of outer space
(b). Exploration of underwater ecosystems
(c). Describing Earth’s features and human interactions
(d). Analysis of historical artifacts


2. Where does the word “Geography” originate from?
(a). Latin language
(b). Greek language
(c). French language
(d). Sanskrit language


3. According to Richard Hartshorne, what does geography focus on?
(a). Understanding celestial bodies
(b). Differentiating the Earth’s surface areas
(c). Discovery of ocean currents
(d). Study of ancient civilizations


4. What is the role of geography as described in the text?
(a). Creating an imaginary world
(b). To study the interaction between nature and human activities.
(c). Predicting future climate patterns
(d). Exploring outer space


5. Which concept emerged as a reaction to environmental determinism?
(a). Neo-fatalism
(b). Possibilism
(c). Fatalism
(d). Geopolitics


6. Who introduced the concept of neo-fatalism?
(a). Alexander von Humboldt
(b). Richard Hartshorne
(c). Griffith Taylor
(d). Alfred Hettner


7. Which branch of geography focuses on the study of landforms, climate, water and soil?
(a). Physical geography
(b). Human geography
(c). Biography
(d). Historical geography


8. Systematic approach in geography is related to?
(a). Recognizing patterns on the Earth’s surface
(b). Study of individual ecosystems
(c). Analyzing historical events
(d). Predicting future population trends


9. Who is given the credit for dividing the Earth into regions for detailed study?
(a). Richard Hartshorne
(b).Griffith Taylor
(c). Carl Ritter
(d). Alfred Hettner


10. Which branch of geography focuses on the study of ecosystems and organisms?
(a). Physical geography
(b). Human geography
(c). Biography
(d). Historical geography


11. According to the lesson, what is the purpose of geography to understand?
(a). Interaction between humans and aliens
(b). Relationship between different planets
(c). Association of related phenomena into sections of reality
(d). Development of technology over time


12. Who is considered the father of modern geology?
(a). Alfred Hettner
(b). Griffith Taylor
(c). James Hutton
(d). Alexander von Humboldt


13. Which concept emerged in the early 20th century to explain the relationship between humans and the environment?
(a). Environmental determinism
(b). Neo-fatalism
(c). Possibilism
(d). Geopolitics


14. Which branch of geography studies the distribution and variability of soil?
(a). Geomorphology
(b). Climatology
(c). Hydrology
(d). Soil geography


15. Who divided the world into regions for detailed study?
(a). Alfred Hettner
(b). Griffith Taylor
(c). Carl Ritter
(d). Richard Hartshorne


16. What does the systematic approach in geography focus on?
(a). Recognizing patterns on the Earth’s surface
(b). Study of individual ecosystems
(c). Analyzing historical events
(d). Predicting future population trends


17. Who introduced the concept of neo-fatalism?
(a). Alexander von Humboldt
(b). Richard Hartshorne
(c). Griffith Taylor
(d). Alfred Hettner


18. Which branch of geography studies the interactions between humans and their natural, social and built environments?
(a). Human Geography
(b). Physical geography
(c). Biography
(d). Historical geography


19. What is the primary focus of physical geography?
(a). Study of human society
(b). Analysis of political boundaries
(c). Exploration of landforms, climate, water and soil
(d). Investigating historical events


20. According to the lesson, what is the purpose of geography to understand?
(a). Interaction between humans and aliens
(b). Relationship between different planets
(c). Association of related phenomena into sections of reality
(d). Development of technology over time


21. Who is considered the father of modern geology?
(a). Alfred Hettner
(b). Griffith Taylor
(c). James Hutton
(d). Alexander von Humboldt


22. Which concept emerged in the early 20th century to explain the relationship between humans and the environment?
(a). Environmental determinism
(b). Neo-fatalism
(c). Possibilism
(d). Geopolitics


23. Which branch of geography studies the distribution and variability of soil?
(a). Geomorphology
(b). Climatology
(c). Hydrology
(d). Soil geography


24. Who divided the world into regions for detailed study?
(a). Alfred Hettner
(b). Griffith Taylor
(c). Carl Ritter
(d). Richard Hart
