MCQ on Origin of Earth

1. According to modern understanding, which shapes best describe the Earth?
(a). Full area
(b). Oblate sphere
(c). Elliptical
(d). Flat circle


2. What is the primary reason for the Earth’s flattening at the poles and bulge at the equator?
(a). Gravitational pull
(b). Tectonic activity
(c). Rotation of the earth
(d). Solar radiation


3. Which gas was not an important component of Earth’s early atmosphere?
(a). Hydrogen
(b). Helium
(c). Nitrogen
(d). Oxygen


4. Who presented the idea that all matter represents a unified form?
(a). Thales
(b). Anaximenes
(c). Pythagoras
(d). Heraclitus


5. According to Thales, what was the primary element from which all things arise?
(a). Air
(b). Fire
(c). Earth
(d). Water


6. Which theory states that the planets originated from a common source?
(a). Monistic concept
(b). Comet hypothesis
(c). Gaseous hypothesis
(d). Nebular hypothesis


7. The idea that the solar system was formed due to the collision of particles of divine matter is related to which hypothesis?
(a). Comet hypothesis
(b). Gaseous hypothesis
(c). Meteorological hypothesis
(d). Nebular hypothesis


8. Which event is described by the Big Bang Theory?
(a). Rapid expansion of the universe
(b). Creation of the earth
(c). Birth of the sun
(d). Creation of life


9. Which theory proposes that the early universe expanded rapidly after the Big Bang?
(a). Monistic concept
(b). Cosmic inflation theory
(c). Dualistic hypothesis
(d). Modern hypothesis


10. Who propounded that the basic element responsible for the origin of the world is fire?
(a). Thales
(b). Anaximenes
(c). Pythagoras
(d). Heraclitus


11. According to the comet hypothesis, what caused the formation of planets?
(a). Fragmentation of a comet
(b). Asteroid collision
(c). Interaction of magnetic fields
(d). Fusion of gases


12. Anaximenes gave the theory that from which substance all things originated?
(a). Water
(b). Air
(c). Fire
(d). Earth


13. Which hypothesis suggests that planets originated from the union of two stars?
(a). Gaseous hypothesis
(b). Nebular hypothesis
(c). Dualistic hypothesis
(d). Comet hypothesis


14. Which contemporary theory links the creation of the universe with the creation of the Earth?
(a). Big Bang Theory
(b). Comet hypothesis
(c). Dualistic hypothesis
(d). Meteorological hypothesis


15. What was the primary element proposed by Anaximenes as the origin of all things?
(a). Water
(b). Air
(c). Fire
(d). Earth


16. According to Heraclitus, which was the basic element responsible for the origin of the world?
(a). Water
(b). Air
(c). Fire
(d). Earth


17. Which hypothesis describes the formation of planets from hot rotating nebulae?
(a). Comet hypothesis
(b). Gaseous hypothesis
(c). Nebular hypothesis
(d). Dualistic hypothesis


18. What did Pythagoras suggest about the origin of the world?
(a). All things originate from water
(b). All things originated from air
(c). all matter represents a unified form
(d). all things originated from fire


19. What does the cosmic inflation theory propose to happen immediately after the Big Bang?
(a). Rapid expansion of the universe
(b). Formation of planets
(c). Increase in solar radiation
(d). Formation of stars


20. Which hypothesis proposes that the planets formed from interstellar matter absorbed by the Sun?
(a). Comet hypothesis
(b). Meteorological hypothesis
(c). Nebular hypothesis
(d). Dualistic hypothesis


21. Who propounded the idea that all things originate from water?
(a). Thales
(b). Anaximenes
(c). Pythagoras
(d). Heraclitus


22. Which hypothesis states that the planets originated from the collision of particles of celestial matter?
(a). Comet hypothesis
(b). Gaseous hypothesis
(c). Meteorological hypothesis
(d). Nebular hypothesis


23. What is the primary element proposed by Thales as the origin of all things?
(a). Water
(b). Air
(c). Fire
(d). Earth


24. According to the modern understanding of the size of the Earth, its size is closest to?
(a). Circle
(b). Cylinder
(c). Elliptical
(d). Cone


25. Which theory states that despite the differences between substances, all substances represent a unified form?
(a). Thales
(b). Anaximenes
(c). Pythagoras
(d). Heraclitus


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