MCQ on Solar System

1. What is the primary astronomical entity that dominates our solar system?
(a). Moon
(b). Ravi
(c). earth
(d). Jupiter


2. What is approximately the contribution of the Sun to the total mass of our solar system?
(a). 50%
(b). 75%
(c). 99.9%
(d). 25%


3. How long does it take for light from the Sun to reach Earth?
(a). 24 hours
(b). 1 day
(c). 8.3 minutes
(d). 1 hour


4. Which is the outer layer of the Sun that emits visible light?
(a). chromosphere
(b). photosphere
(c). Corona
(d). solar flares


5. What is the temperature of the photosphere, the outer layer of the Sun?
(a). 3000K
(b). 5000K
(c). 6000K
(d). 8000K


6. What is the name of the layer visible during a total solar eclipse?
(a). chromosphere
(b). solar flares
(c). Corona
(d). sunspot


7. Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
(a). Venus
(b). Earth
(c). Mars
(d). Jupiter


8. What is the defining characteristic of the Jovian planets?
(a). proximity to the sun
(b). rock formation
(c). ring system
(d). thin atmosphere


9. Which planet is closest to the Sun and experiences extreme temperature changes?
(a). earth
(b). Venus
(c). Mars
(d). Mercury


`10. Which planet has a thick atmosphere that produces an extreme greenhouse effect?
(a). earth
(b). Mars
(c). Venus
(d). Jupiter


11. What sets Saturn apart among the planets in our solar system?
(a). strong gravitational pull
(b). surprise ring system
(c). dense atmosphere
(d). great red spot


12. When was Uranus discovered?
(a). 1781
(b). 1846
(c). 1930
(d). 2006


13. What is the rotation axis characteristic of Uranus?
(a). In line with your class
(b). highly inclined
(c). stable
(d). perpendicular


14. Which planet exhibits a tilted rotation axis and was discovered in 1846?
(a). Neptune
(b). Jupiter
(c). Saturn
(d). Uranus


15. What is Pluto’s current classification in our solar system?
(a). terrestrial planets
(b). gas giant
(c). dwarf planet
(d). Jovian planet


16. What are considered asteroids?
(a). remains of failed planets
(b). pieces of the moon
(c). debris from the sun
(d). satellite moon


17. What distinguishes comets from other celestial bodies?
(a). rock formation
(b). elliptical path
(c). dense atmosphere
(d). great red spot


18. What causes the bright lines in Earth’s atmosphere?
(a). comet
(b). asteroid
(c). meteorite
(d). meteorite


19. What is created when large meteorites hit the Earth?
(a). crater
(b). Volcano
(c). mountain
(d). valleys


20. What is a swarm of meteorites called?
(a). meteor shower
(b). meteor storm
(c). meteor shower
(d). meteor shower


21. In which orbit a satellite appears stationary at a fixed point?
(a). low earth orbit
(b). geostationary orbit
(c). sun synchronous orbit
(d). geosynchronous orbit


22. What is the goal of Parker Solar Probe mission launched by NASA in 2018?
(a). Observe the surface of the Moon
(b). Explore the atmosphere of Mars
(c). Study the Sun’s outer corona
(d). Examine Jupiter’s magnetic field


23. What is the overarching theme of the article?
(a). Discovery of the Moon
(b). Mysteries of the cosmic neighborhood
(c). Earth’s diversity
(d). planetary atmosphere


24. As mentioned in the article, what is the primary energy source to sustain life on Earth?
(a). geothermal energy
(b). nuclear energy
(c). wind energy
(d). radiant energy from the sun


25. As mentioned in the article, what is the distance between the Sun and the Earth?
(a). 93 million km
(b). 150 million km
(c). 200 million km
(d). 250 million km
