MCQ on Topography or Landforms

1. What is topography?
(a). Study of rocks
(b). Examining the characteristics of the Earth’s surface
(c). Checking the weather patterns
(d). Analysis of ocean currents


2. What are the primary factors that contribute to the formation of landforms?
(a). Rain, wind, glaciers and waves
(b). Air and fire
(c). Sunlight and earthquakes
(d). Volcanic eruptions and storms


3. What are first-order landforms?
(a). Mountains and plateaus
(b). Glacier and Circus
(c). River valleys and sand dunes
(d). Ocean basins and continents


4. Who conceptualized the geomorphic cycle?
(a). Charles Darwin
(b). William M. Davis
(c). Alfred Wegener
(d). Marie Curie


5. What are the erosive forces related to in the formation of landforms?
(a). River erosion
(b). Plate tectonics and earthquakes
(c). Glacial deposits
(d). Wind action


6. What is orogeny?
(a). Plate tectonic movement
(b). Wind erosion
(c). River valley formation
(d). Glacial erosion


7. What provokes seismic activity at lithospheric plate boundaries?
(a). Volcanic eruption
(b). Wind erosion
(c). Earthquake
(d). Glacial movement


8. What is the primary force driving landforms created by external factors?
(a). Human activities
(b). Rain
(c). Natural factors such as rivers, wind, waves and glaciers
(d). Volcanic activity


9. What types of landforms do rivers create?
(a). Mountains and plateaus
(b). Sinkholes and caves
(c). Glaciers and drumlins
(d). V-shaped valleys and waterfalls


10. What is the result of karst topography?
(a). Wind action
(b). Glacier movement
(c). Groundwater contact
(d). Sea waves


11. Which landforms are shaped by glaciers?
(a). Sand dunes and fjords
(b). Mountains and plateaus
(c). Glacier, Circus and Drumlin
(d). Rocks and sea caves


12. What are Aeolian processes related to?
(a). River erosion
(b). Wind-driven erosion and deposition
(c). Glacial movement
(d). Earthquake


13. Ocean waves mainly contribute to the formation of?
(a). Mountains and plateaus
(b). River valleys
(c). Coastal landforms such as rocks and sea caves
(d). Glacial features


14. What is the grand story of Earth’s topography about?
(a). Dance between internal and external forces
(b). The delicate touch of air and water on the earth’s surface
(c). Human activities that shape the landscape
(d). History of volcanic eruptions
Answer: A

15. What is the role of rainfall and surface runoff in the erosion cycle?
(a). Shaping mountains
(b). Detachment, transportation, and deposition
(c). Causing earthquakes
(d). Formation of ocean basins


16. What is the classification of landforms on the basis of sequence?
(a). Two orders
(b). Three orders
(c). Four orders
(d). Five orders


17. What are second order landforms?
(a). Ocean basins and continents
(b). Mountains and plateaus
(c). River valleys and sand dunes
(d). Glacier and Circus


18. Who proposed the concept of classifying landforms into sequences?
(a). Alfred Wegener
(b). William M. Davis
(c). Marie Curie
(d). Charles Darwin


19. What is the primary focus of dystrophic forces?
(a). Wind erosion
(b). Orogeny and earthquakes
(c). River valleys
(d). Glacial features


20. What is the importance of landform cycle?
(a). Tracking human activities
(b). Understanding the evolutionary stages of landforms
(c). Study of ocean currents
(d). Exploration of the Moon’s topography


21. What produces sudden movements at lithospheric plate boundaries?
(a). Wind erosion
(b). Volcanic eruption
(c). Seismic activity like earthquake
(d). Glacier movement


22. What is the primary force driving landforms created by external factors?
(a). Human activities
(b). Rain
(c). Natural factors such as rivers, wind, waves and glaciers
(d). Volcanic activity


23. What is the primary force driving landforms created by external factors?
(a). Human activities
(b). Rain
(c). Natural factors such as rivers, wind, waves and glaciers
(d). Volcanic activity


24. What is the primary force driving landforms created by external factors?
(a). Human activities
(b). Rain
(c). Natural factors such as rivers, wind, waves and glaciers
(d). Volcanic activity


25. What is the grand story of Earth’s topography about?
(a). Human activities that shape the landscape
(b).The delicate touch of air and water on the earth’s surface
(c). Dance between internal and external forces
(d). History of volcanic eruptions
