MCQ on Tsunami

1. What is the origin of the word “tsunami”?
(a). Sugar
(b). English
(c). Japanese
(d). Greek


2. Which of the following is not cited in the article as the cause of tsunami?
(a). Earthquake
(b). Tornado
(c). Submarine volcanic eruption
(d). Explosion of gas bubbles


3. What is the primary cause of most tsunamis?
(a). Hurricane
(b). Earthquake
(c). Tornado
(d). Blizzard


4. What mainly determines the intensity of a tsunami?
(a). Frequency of occurrence
(b). Wavelength
(c). Speed
(d). Height of the triggering event.


5. What is the normal speed limit for a tsunami?
(a). 5-10 mph
(b). 15-20 mph
(c). 20-30 mph
(d). 30-40 mph


6. What differentiates tsunami from regular waves?
(a). High frequency
(b). Shorter wavelength
(c). Low speed
(d). Long wavelength


7. Which organization developed the Deep Sea Tsunami Assessment and Reporting (DART) system?
(a). NASA
(b). NOAA
(c). PMEL
(d). FEMA


8. What is the purpose of the DART system?
(a). To keep an eye on the storm
(b). Indicators of tsunami activity to detect changes in water pressure
(c). To measure the temperature of the ocean.
(d). Studying marine life


9. Which component of the DART system provides important data for tsunami prediction?
(a). Tsunami meter
(b). Buoyancy meter
(c). Wind sensor
(d). Temperature gauge


10. What is the primary function of a decision support system (DSS) in tsunami warning efforts?
(a). Monitoring of wildlife
(b). Assessing weather patterns
(c). Assessing the threat level and issuing warnings
(d). Tracking ship movements


11. What does DSS mean?
(a). Data Support System
(b). Disaster relief system
(c). Decision support system
(d). Detection Support System


12. What is the goal of the tsunami warning system?
(a). Increasing property damage
(b). Minimizing loss of life and property.
(c). Promoting tourism
(d). To increase seismic activity.


13. Which of the following is not mentioned as a method to reduce the effects of tsunami?
(a). Raising awareness
(b). Increase preparation
(c). Ignoring warnings
(d). Investing in flexible infrastructure.


14. How can society better adapt to tsunami risk, the article concludes?
(a). By building more coastal properties
(b). By reducing awareness campaigns.
(c). By investing in flexible infrastructure.
(d). By ignoring international cooperation.


15. What is the primary objective of the comprehensive guide mentioned in the introduction?
(a). To confuse readers
(b). To delve deeper into the complexities of tsunami.
(c). Ignoring scientific inquiry
(d). To increase the devastating consequences of tsunamis.


16. What is the article mainly about?
(a). Storm
(b). Volcanic eruption
(c). Tsunami
(d). Tornado


17. What is the primary focus of the article?
(a). Earthquake
(b). Seismic waves
(c). Tsunami characteristics, causes, forecasting and warning systems
(d). Meteorite


18. How many causes of tsunami are listed in the article?
(a). Four
(b). Five
(c). Six
(d). Seven


19. What is the wavelength of tsunami waves?
(a). Small
(b). Medium
(c). Long
(d). Convertible


20. What determines the height of tsunami waves?
(a). Wavelength
(b). Speed
(c). Frequency
(d). Magnitude of the triggering event.


21. Why are tsunamis particularly challenging to predict?
(a). Their predictability
(b). Their intensity
(c). Their speed
(d). Little or no warning of them


22. Which of the following is not a characteristic of tsunami?
(a). Venue
(b). Frequency
(c). Magnitude
(d). Temperature


23. What speed does a tsunami usually move at?
(a). 50-60 mph
(b). 20-30 mph
(c). 10-15 mph
(d). 40-50 mph


24. What types of waves are characteristic of tsunamis?
(a). Short wavelength
(b). High frequency
(c). Long wavelength
(d). Low speed


25. What is the purpose of the tsunami warning system?
(a). Increasing property damage
(b). Ignoring loss of life or property.
(c). To increase seismic activity.
(d). Minimizing loss of life and property.
