MCQ on Universe

1. What does cosmology study?
(a). Plants and animals
(b). Rocks and minerals
(c). Universe and celestial bodies
(d). Human society


2. What term is used to describe stars, planets, satellites, asteroids, and other celestial objects?
(a). Terrestrial body
(b). Celestial body
(c). Divine institutions
(d). Supernatural things


3. What is the scientific study of celestial bodies called?
(a). Geology
(b). Astronomy
(c). Biology
(d). Chemistry


4. Who propounded the geocentric theory?
(a). Copernicus
(b). Ptolemy
(c). Lemaitre
(d). Beautiful


5. According to geocentric theory, what holds an important place in the center of the universe?
(a). Sun
(b). Moon
(c). Earth
(d). Mars


6. Who presented the heliocentric theory?
(a). Copernicus
(b). Ptolemy
(c). Lemaitre
(d). Beautiful


7. What does the heliocentric theory propose as the central force in the universe?
(a). Earth
(b). Moon
(c). Ravi
(d). Mars


8. Who conceived the Big Bang theory?
(a). Copernicus
(b). Ptolemy
(c). Lemaitre
(d). Beautiful


9. According to the Big Bang theory, what was the universe like at the time of its birth?
(a). Extremely small, dense sphere
(b). Infinite and continuous
(c). Hollow and wide
(d). Flat and uniform


10. What was discovered in 2012 that confirms the existence of a large-scale providing sector?
(a). Dark matter
(b). Higgs boson particle
(c). Neutrino
(d). Quark


11. What does the red shift theory symbolize?
(a). Rapid contraction of the universe
(b). The universe is expanding faster and faster
(c). Steady state of the universe
(d). Pulsating rhythm of the universe


12. Who propounded the steady state theory?
(a). Copernicus
(b). Bondi, Gould and Fred Hoyle
(c). Lemaitre
(d). Beautiful


13. According to the steady state theory, what is stable in the observable universe?
(a). Number of galaxies
(b). Size of galaxies
(c). Density of dark matter
(d). Expansion rate


14. Who propounded the vibration theory?
(a). Copernicus
(b). Bondi, Gould and Fred Hoyle
(c). Georges Lemaitre
(d). Dr. Alan Sundar


15. How does the pulse theory envision the universe?
(a). Continuously expanding
(b). Oscillate between expansion and contraction
(c). Rapid collapse
(d). Remain constant over time


16. Approximately how many billion years ago did the Big Bang occur?
(a). 4.5 billion years
(b). 12 to 14 billion years
(c). 13.7 billion years
(d). 15 billion years


17. What is the estimate of the age of our solar system?
(a). 4.5 billion years
(b). 12 to 14 billion years
(c). 13.7 billion years
(d). 15 billion years


18. On what does the fate of the universe depend?
(a). Humanitarian work
(b). Speed of expansion and gravitational pull
(c). Rotation of the earth
(d). Solar flares


19. What is the “major crisis” in the fate of the universe?
(a). Rapid expansion
(b). Continuous expansion
(c). High density leads to collapse
(d). Dark energy


20. What mysterious force can influence the fate of the universe?
(a). Solar wind
(b). Dark matter
(c). Dark energy
(d). Neutrino


21. What does the CMBR mean in relation to the age of the universe?
(a). Celestial mass and physical radiation
(b). Cosmic microwave background radiation
(c). Central mass balance ratio
(d). Constant speed of black hole


22. What is the primary factor determining the fate of the universe?
(a). Dark energy
(b). Hubble constant
(c). Density of the universe
(d). Solar flares


23. According to the vibrational theory, what gives rise to the pulsating rhythm in the universe?
(a). Stellar explosion
(b). Galactic collision
(c). Expansion and contraction
(d). Fluctuations in dark energy


24. Which word is used for the detailed study of the universe?
(a). Astrology
(b). Astronomy
(c). Cosmetology
(d). Geology


25. What drives the quest to understand cosmic existence from ancient to modern times?
(a). Only technological progress
(b). Scientific curiosity and technological progress
(c). Religious beliefs
(d). Economic motivations


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