MCQ on Volcano

1. What is a volcano?
(a). A mountain
(b). A crack or hole in the earth’s crust
(c). A river
(d). A desert


2. What is the origin of molten material in a volcano?
(a). Earth’s outer layer
(b). Earth’s atmosphere
(c). Earth’s crust
(d). Earth’s core


3. What is the composition of the materials released during a volcanic eruption?
(a). Water and sand
(b). Lava, gases, ash and rocks
(c). Trees & plants
(d). Metals and minerals


4. Which of the following is the venting feature of a volcano?
(a). Batholith
(b). Laccolith
(c). Shield volcano
(d). The pier


5. How are volcanoes classified based on activity levels?
(a). Hot and cold
(b). Active, dormant and extinct
(c). Small and big
(d). Fast and slow


6. What causes volcanic eruptions at convergent or divergent plate boundaries?
(a). Earth’s rotation
(b). Plate tectonics
(c). Magnetic Field
(d). Wind pattern


7. Which type of volcano has a non-explosive eruption?
(a). Silent fissure volcano
(b). Central Explosive Volcano
(c). Mixed volcano
(d). Shield volcano


8. Where does active volcanism occur along oceanic ridge systems?
(a). On continents
(b). Near the desert
(c). Along the fault lines
(d). Spreading along the sea floor


9. What could cause volcanic eruptions other than plate tectonics?
(a). Rain
(b). Changes in magma temperature and external pressure
(c). Human activities
(d). Solar radiation


10. What is the weak point in the earth’s crust called through which magma reaches the surface?
(a). Mistake
(b). Let out
(c). Braid
(d). Plate


11. What positive effects does volcanic activity have on the environment?
(a). Destruction of landforms
(b). Creation of deserts
(c). Creation of new landforms and fertile soils
(d). Depletion of mineral resources


12. How are earthquakes and volcanoes connected?
(a). Through the wind patterns
(b). Through plate tectonics
(c). Through volcanic bombs
(d). Through ocean currents


13. What is a magma chamber?
(a). A chamber for storing water
(b). A reservoir of molten rock beneath the earth’s surface
(c). Storage space for gas
(d). Storage space for minerals


14. What is a volcanic cone?
(a). A cone shaped mountain
(b). Ice cream cone
(c). Formed by layers of igneous rocks from past eruptions
(d). A type of tree


15. What is the importance of craters in volcanic activity?
(a). They store magma
(b). They act as depressions from which magmatic material is expelled.
(c). They prevent explosions
(d). They are formed by wind erosion


16. How are volcanoes classified on the basis of explosiveness?
(a). Colour
(b). Size
(c). Silent fissure and central explosive
(d). Size


17. What term is used for continuous emission of hot water from a volcano?
(a). Lava flow
(b). Hot spring
(c). Hot spring
(d). Caldera


18. What is the classification of volcanic eruptions on the basis of acidity and alkalinity?
(a). Khatta Meetha
(b). Acidic and alkaline
(c). Red and blue
(d). Hot and cold


19. Where does volcanic activity occur due to weak areas of the Earth’s surface and fault lines?
(a). Everywhere on earth
(b). Only in the mountains
(c). Only in deserts
(d). With weak areas and fault lines


20. What term is used for plate-shaped intrusions beneath the Earth’s surface?
(a). Lava flows
(b). Sills
(c). Calderas
(d). Shield volcano


21. Which type of volcano is made up of alternating layers of lava and fragments?
(a). Cinder cone
(b). Shield volcano
(c). Composite or level taper
(d). Parasitic cone


22. What is the primary cause of volcanic eruptions at hot spots in the Earth’s mantle?
(a). Plate movement
(b). Sea level spreading
(c). Weak earth surface
(d). Magma crystallization and external pressure


23.Which term is used for the material released during a volcanic eruption?
(a). Ice
(b). Volcanic bomb
(c). Sand
(d). Metal


24. What role does plate tectonics play in the occurrence of volcanoes?
(a). They have no role
(b). They cause earthquakes but not volcanoes
(c). They produce volcanoes at convergent or divergent plate boundaries
(d). These affect only ocean currents


25. What is the importance of understanding volcanic mechanisms and impacts?
(a). To increase volcanic eruptions
(b). Reducing threats and harnessing the benefits to human civilization
(c). To increase seismic activity
(d). Creating new landforms
